I may be biased because I was raised by a nuyorican woman, but I actually didn’t think Sai’s repentance for her behavior with Jessel was fake. It seems like the women actually try to spend time together in real life outside of filming and there’s context we don’t have because it wasn’t on camera. It’s boring, but I don’t think it’s strategic. However, I will be interested to see if Sai’s therapy zen lasts long enough to sustain her throughout this season.
Reading this as a bedtime story right now with rapt attention. I haven’t watched any of the new season, but please keep play-by-play reporting on this shit because your version is more entertaining.
Brynn’s schtick is wearing thin one episode in.
I may be biased because I was raised by a nuyorican woman, but I actually didn’t think Sai’s repentance for her behavior with Jessel was fake. It seems like the women actually try to spend time together in real life outside of filming and there’s context we don’t have because it wasn’t on camera. It’s boring, but I don’t think it’s strategic. However, I will be interested to see if Sai’s therapy zen lasts long enough to sustain her throughout this season.
Fair! But to come immediately after that text means she's definitely not Zen Wen this season!
Great recap and this comment makes me think that we need an analysis on the housewife temper tantrum to namaste pipeline...!?
Yeah the Brooklyn jumped out real quick 👀
Ubah is so boring 😴
Reading this as a bedtime story right now with rapt attention. I haven’t watched any of the new season, but please keep play-by-play reporting on this shit because your version is more entertaining.