WHAT are they gonna talk about at the reunion? I’ve fallen asleep midway the last 4 episodes out of boredom. Mistakes were made and at least two of them - positioning Eboni this way and allowing Leah to remain on this cast can be dealt with swiftly! Worst season ever.

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This was 100% spot on. How can you have only 5 cast members when 2 are sober and this show has given us those drunken moments? I really can’t believe Eboni wrote a response to Brian’s review. Doesn’t she have anything better to do? I’ve been waiting for someone to come at Ramona but this was the absolute worst way.

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So spot on and this in addition to the small cast and Leah's brand white feminist hypocrisy, are the three reasons why this season is bombing and bombing hard. RHONY needs another overhaul a la Season 5 if they want to survive or stay relevant.

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Eboni is smart and educated. She is also the most boring, soul sucking cast member of the Housewives franchise ever!

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This is EXACTLY how I’ve felt watching the season. Eboni’s remarks about not “usually hanging out with this many white women” makes it achingly apparent just how orchestrated her addition is. I am so glad they’ve chosen to add a black housewife but it rly feels like she (and bravo) have made no effort to integrate her into the cast and function organically. A shame

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What is really going on with Eboni is what’s become epidemic throughout the USA. It’s cultural Marxism, with fascistic elements. If you want to say I’m crazy, please study some REAL history of the world, throughout the ages. Black and white people have been friends and getting along well for many years now. The 1619 project and BLM are Marxist organizations. Eboni is a confused and ignorant woman who is using the slavery days, as if they are living in that era now. Black people have not picked cotton for decades and white people haven’t owned slaves for that same time. MLK didn’t want people to see each other’s skin color. How sad he would be now. 😞

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The fact that Eboni compared Leah with James Baldwin should throw her black educator credentials seriously in doubt.

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Ugh, Eboni is embarrassing.

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This take sucks. Don't blame Eboni for bringing history. Blame Bravo for failing to have diversity and REQUIRING a woman of color to come on and ultimately, teach the cast about racism. It's not Eboni's fault that her Ramona-take-down wasn't exciting. It's Bravo's fault for not doing it sooner.

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