The best part of the movie was... Chris Messina in a purple three-piece suit? The best Chris.

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At every turn I just kept saying WHY? I needed to be able to root for her and I had no reason to. Talented actors but messy and just kind of preposterous. I needed more A Simple Favor kind of feel for me to get behind a character doing terrible things.

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I wanted to like this movie. I really did. There are some moments of dialogue that are genius. However, are we shocked that a man wrote a too-long movie full of male gaze and incomplete thoughts about an evil hot lesbian and her sidekick/lover vs a Lannister?

We are N O T

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I feel like I could be a potential victim of her scam so I spent the entire movie hoping a truck would run her over. The movie wants the viewer to be torn between what it perceives as two equally bad people but that’s a no for me.

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I wanted to like this movie, but this plot was trash. How do they have hit men who can’t kill someone? It was a dark comedy that forgot to be funny.

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I wanted nothing but the worst for these two #elderabusegirlbosses. If I saw it in a theatre, I’d clap at the ending.

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So many inaccuracies. That’s not how probate court and guardianships work in most jurisdictions.

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Did not even make it through, too much amazing shit to watch to suffer through mediocrity how about DIANNE WIEST deserved more?!

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It just made me so angry. I was rooting for no-one but Mrs Peterson.

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It kept me interested and distracted for 2 hours, and since I live alone (with depression) during a pandemic, anything that can do that is welcome. The story was insane, sure, but it was a fun ride.

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Not interested enough to sit through it. Next! (Call Your Agent is my thing right now, although based on Ira's perfect French accent, they're all talkin' funny)

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I fucking loved it. I haven’t had that much fun watching a film in a while. The plot was juicy as fuck, Rosamund was brilliant (also that wardrobe!). The whole story was wild to me and I went down a massive rabbit hole googling this business of Guardianships which coming from the U.K. was particularly crazy, and I think there’s a lot thematically there.

There was a twist about two thirds through that was stupid but the ending recovered it for me (don’t want to spoil).

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This movie gave me a panic attack 15 minutes in. Keep your hands off my shit, Rosamund Pike. 0 stars.

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I watched it during my vaccine fever dream. I hated all the “tough” women/men comments that referred to genitals.

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I’m just here to support Jessica chastain lol

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Haven’t seen it but already KNOW she deserves more.

PS this came through at 4am but still felt compelled to open and reply because it was you, thanks Ira

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Good premise. Great cast. A blunt bob. Lesbians, and not gratuitously. Chris Messina angry. It should have been good but also, everyone should have died. How did no one die (until the one did)? Absolute garbage execution.

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the problem is i’m a lesbian so i have to at least try to like anything rosamund pike is in. but yes this movie overall leaves me with this sad icky feeling (both within the story and on a societal misogynistic level) more than anything, and none of the better parts make up for god awful parts and overall vibe. this whole story is lead by female characters but all of the female characters are so clearly written by a man.

the male gaze of the writing / directing just showcases what i hate about so many female-lead male-produced movies: the fact that male creatives often think they have the right to independently determine what women want, how and why a certain woman deserves punishment or praise, a woman’s outlook and experiences, and the ultimate worth each woman has in the story and in the world - and they are so confident in their conclusions that they don’t deem it necessary to consult any women on the matter. so we get this.

no woman really wins in this movie, but on an even more basic level, no woman seems like a real person who could exist in the world.

tbh the only thing of worth in this movie is rosamund pike’s acting and delivery, because without it the dialogue and characterization would seem even worse than it already is. i look forward to ms. pike working on more female-lead projects in the future where her role is not solely to be the object of desire or disgust.

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I can’t even get through the synopses

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I guess the one saving grace would be... now I know about this scam???? That is me trying to think of one nice thing. I think the movie could have been saved if we got some good backstory on Rosamund Pike’s character though. A villain isn’t compelling without an origin story

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It’s a movie about awful people destroying each other! Some of those awful people are wearing fantastic clothes. What more could I ask for.

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also what's with the Jessica Disdain? (sorry had to) Crimson Peak, Mama, Tree of Life all fab - is it to do with destroying the X-men franchise?

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None of those movies but Crimson Peak is good...

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It was one hour and fifty-eight minutes of pure chaos and I LOVED IT. Also, more seriously, it showed a great flaw in our care system of vulnerable populations and that is something I’m fairly passionate about so hopefully people will also become similarly outraged

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That yellow linen suit deserved better. I think about it once a day.

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He came out to f i g h t

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Finally got around to watching this and had to skip around a lot, it was abysmal. I wish Rosamund and Peter had better dialogue to work with because I was super excited to see them opposite each other. Also really tired of the House of Un-American Activities bootlicking - it is 2021, stop forcing random evil Russians into storylines where it does not make sense.

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why could they not get the good characters on the screen at the same time? why was the scam with dinklage supposed to fly under the radar while she also becomes a theranos-type celeb bragging on CNBC about how rich she is? how did RP get in this business, are her gf and her public or nah, and why was Mrs. Peterson not on screen more often?!!

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I think Rosalind is great. The movie wasn’t great, but it was certainly watchable during a pandemic.

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“Watchable during a pandemic” is cheap praise I don’t aspire to. And who’s Rosalind?

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I liked the trailer better than the full movie.

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My sister and my mother said they loved it, so I’m certain I will, at best, think it’s fine. I value your opinion much more than theirs and want to watch to see why it’s awful and why they loved it. I like Rosamund Pike and Chris Messina, so I’ll likely watch it at some point.

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I enjoyed it, it was an insightful romp about an industry the public doesn’t know much about. I don’t have the very American desire to “have someone to root for” in everything I watch. Art can be entertaining without having to identify with a character in everything. Ira, why exactly don’t you like it?

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